High Voltage System Client Acquisition

High Voltage System Client Acquisition
This highly reputed research based client, had identified substantial benefits in the acquisition of their site based High Voltage distribution system.
The site had 19 High Voltage transformers along with the associated Ring Main Units and High Voltage cabling.
Before the assets could be purchased by the client the supply network needed to be amended to provide a designated point of isolation for the site.
NorWood Consultants were appointed by the client to provide the following services:
Management of the utilities companies
Negotiation’s concerning the purchase of the High Voltage Assets
Liaison between the clients own legal teams and those of the Utilities companies
Assessments of the condition of the High Voltage assets being transferred.
Agreeing the method and configurations of the revised electrical supply system
Planning client training for High Voltage switching
Agreement of proposed new High Voltage Maintenance companies
Close liaison with the cost consultants, facility users and contractors to ensure resilience of electrical supplies
Sign off of the G59 arrangements
Challenges & Benefits:
At the time this project commenced, there had been only one such private acquisition of a previously utilities owned supply network. This was the first such acquisition that the particular supplier had been involved with, as such the project was entirely new to all parties involved as such many legal agreements, engineering solutions and project management techniques were needed to be developed from scratch.
All of the works including the High Voltage re-configurations needed to be undertaken without any reduction in the clients supply resilience, the planning of these required close control by NorWoods
There were extensive negotiations with Utilities Companies, The Health & Safety Representatives from all companies, Legal representatives and cost control consultants
There were considerable time restrictions imposed by the need for the works to be substantially complete within the cost model imposed by the client.
The site is considered as being of significant interest to English heritage and is covered extensively by tree preservation orders. Â All of the works were co-ordinated with and undertaken with the consent of all interested parties
The client had identified substantial savings and improvements in the flexibility of owning and managing their own High Voltage network, these expectations were achieved.
Since the adoption of the new network the client has continued with their site development plans in a smooth and controllable way